Android USES PULL to parse XML files

  • 2020-05-07 20:26:06
  • OfStack

1. Basic introduction to
xmlpull parsing xml is highly recommended in Android.
xmlpull is available not only on Android but also on javase, but in the javase environment you need to get the class libraries on which xmlpull depends, kxml2-2.3.0.jar, xmlpull_1_1_3_4c.jar.
jar package download url
2. Example
A declaration read to xml returns the number 0 START_DOCUMENT;
The end of reading to xml returns the number 1 END_DOCUMENT;
The start tag read to xml returns the number 2 START_TAG
The closing tag read to xml returns the number 3 END_TAG
Text read to xml returns the number 4 TEXT
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<person id="001"> 
<person id="002"> 

public class PersonService 
*  from XML The data is read from the file  
* @param xml XML File input stream  
public List<Person> getPeople(InputStream xml) throws Exception 
List<Person> lst = null; 
Person person = null; 
//  To obtain pull Parser factory  
XmlPullParserFactory pullParserFactory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance(); 
// To obtain XmlPullParser An instance of the  
XmlPullParser pullParser = pullParserFactory.newPullParser(); 
//  Set what needs to be resolved XML data  
pullParser.setInput(xml, "UTF-8"); 
//  In event  
int event = pullParser.getEventType(); 
//  If to resolve to the end  
while (event != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) //  End of the document  
//  The name of the node  
String nodeName = pullParser.getName(); 
switch (event) 
case XmlPullParser.START_DOCUMENT: //  The beginning of the document  
lst = new ArrayList<Person>(); 
case XmlPullParser.START_TAG: //  Tags start  
if ("person".equals(nodeName)) 
String id = pullParser.getAttributeValue(0); 
person = new Person(); 
if ("name".equals(nodeName)) 
String name = pullParser.nextText(); 
if ("age".equals(nodeName)) 
int age = Integer.valueOf(pullParser.nextText()); 
case XmlPullParser.END_TAG: //  End of the label  
if ("person".equals(nodeName)) 
person = null; 
event =; //  Under the 1 A label  
return lst; 

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