android tips for creating desktop shortcuts for applications

  • 2020-05-07 20:25:09
  • OfStack

After we developed 1 software, it will be difficult to turn over if there are too many software installed on the phone. Therefore, it is good to have a shortcut on the main page. The following is the detailed code:
*  Create a desktop shortcut  
private void createShortcut() { 
SharedPreferences setting = getSharedPreferences("silent.preferences", 0); 
//  Judge whether or not 1 Start the application a second time (default is true )  
boolean firstStart = setting.getBoolean("FIRST_START", true); 
//  The first 1 Create a desktop shortcut on the second boot  
if (firstStart) { 
Intent shortcut = new Intent(""); 
//  The name of the shortcut  
shortcut.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME, getString(R.string.app_name2)); 
//  Duplicate creation is not allowed  
shortcut.putExtra("duplicate", false); 
//  The launch object for the specified shortcut  
ComponentName comp = new ComponentName(this.getPackageName(), "." + this.getLocalClassName()); 
shortcut.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT, new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).setComponent(comp)); 
//  Shortcut icon  
ShortcutIconResource iconRes = Intent.ShortcutIconResource.fromContext(this, R.drawable.zhangxy); 
shortcut.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE, iconRes); 
//  A radio  
//  Will be the first 1 The id for the second boot is set to false 
Editor editor = setting.edit(); 
editor.putBoolean("FIRST_START", false); 
//  Submit set  

Then add the name of the above method to the onCreate() method:
//  After installation the first 1 Create a desktop shortcut on the second boot  

Finally, add the permission to create shortcuts in AndroidManifest.xml:
<!--  Permission to create a desktop shortcut  --> 
<uses-permission android:name="" /> 

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