Android development notes some of the properties we learned today

  • 2020-05-05 13:16:34
  • OfStack

1. Finally, when the program is packaged, the files in the res folder will only be packaged when they are used, while the files in the assets folder will be packaged into
regardless of whether they are used or not 2. Android mainly relies on xml files for layout, otherwise the layout will be messy when there are many textView files singleLine attribute for true means that text is displayed on a line with
android: ellipsize properties: set how to display (show ellipses) when the text is too long start, end, middle respectively set the ellipsis position, marquee means to show
in the form of racing horse lights android: autoLink = "web/email/phone/all" set the hyperlinked
android:focusable= "true/false ndroid:focusableInTouchMode="true" gets focus
in touch mode
4. Control:

< EditText
/ > The default is to focus, the solution is to add an edittext control in front of it, with width and height set to 0,
android:maxLength="3" attribute limits the number of characters,
android:singleLine="false" makes it a multi-line text box
android:inputType="number" sets the input type
android:hint="13525505014" set default display information

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