Method of JSON Data Interaction in ASP. NET MVC 4

  • 2021-09-16 06:43:52
  • OfStack

Foreground Ajax requests often need to obtain JSON format data from the background, 1 generally have the following ways:

Splice string

return Content("{\"id\":\"1\",\"name\":\"A\"}");

In order to strictly conform to Json data format, double quotation marks are escaped.

Serialize an object to a string MSDN in JSON format using the JavaScriptSerialize. Serialize () method

For example, we have one anonymous object:

var tempObj=new 

Returns the Json string through the Serialize () method:

string jsonData=new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(tempObj);
return Content(jsonData);

Returns JsonResult type MSDN

In ASP. NET MVC, you can return the serialized JSON object directly:

public JsonResult Index()
  var tempObj=new 
  return Json(tempObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

The parameter 'JsonRequestBehavior. AllowGet' needs to be set to allow GET requests.

When the foreground processes the returned data, for 1 or 2 methods, you need to use the parseJSON method provided by JQuery to convert the returned string into an JSON object:

    var result=$.parseJSON(data);

For the third method, you can use it directly as an JSON object.

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