ASP. NET MVC4 Razor Template Simple Paging Effect

  • 2021-08-16 23:35:51
  • OfStack

1. No data submission

Step 1, create an empty controller named PageIndex for Controller, and customize one method as follows:

    public ActionResult PageIndex(string action, string controller, int currentPage, int pageCount)
      //int count = db.Product.Count();
      ViewBag.PageCount = pageCount;// Getting the total data pages from the operation will be passed into the paged view page 
      ViewBag.CurrentPage = currentPage;// Getting the current number of pages from the action will be passed into the paging view page 
      ViewBag.action = action;
      ViewBag.controller = controller;
      return PartialView();

Pass in 4 parameters:

action: Action (for the view to be paged, default to Index);

controller: Controller;

currentPage: Current number of pages;

pageCount: Total pages of data

Step 2: Add View (PageIndex)

@if (ViewBag.PageCount == null || ViewBag.PageCount == 0)
            <span> Hello, there is no data display at present !</span>
            if (ViewBag.CurrentPage <= 10)
      <span><a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = 1 }, null)">
     Home page </a>|</span>

  <a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = 1 }, null)">
     Home page </a>

  <span><a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = ViewBag.CurrentPage - 10 }, null)">
    ...</a> </span>
  for (int i = ViewBag.CurrentPage - 3; i < ViewBag.CurrentPage + 3; i++)
    if (i <= 0)
    if (i > ViewBag.PageCount)
  <span><a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = i }, null)">
     No. 1  @i  Page </a>|</span>
  if (ViewBag.CurrentPage > 1)
  <span><a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = ViewBag.CurrentPage - 1 }, null)">
     Upper 1 Page </a>|</span>
  if (ViewBag.PageCount > ViewBag.CurrentPage)
  <span><a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = ViewBag.CurrentPage + 1 }, null)">
     Under 1 Page </a></span>
  if (ViewBag.CurrentPage == ViewBag.PageCount || ViewBag.CurrentPage >= ViewBag.PageCount - 10)
  <a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = ViewBag.PageCount }, null)">
     Tail   Page </a>
  <span><a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = ViewBag.CurrentPage + 10 }, null)">
  <a href="@Url.Action(ViewBag.action, ViewBag.controller, new { PageIndex = ViewBag.PageCount }, null)">
     Tail   Page </a>
  <span style="padding-left: 20px"> Current Pages:  @ViewBag.CurrentPage |  Altogether  @ViewBag.PageCount  Page 

Step 3: Modify the controller of the view of operation

public ViewResult Index(int? pageIndex)
            int pageInd = pageIndex.HasValue ? pageIndex.Value : 1;
           ViewBag.PageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(result.Count() / 20.0);

            // Here is the take According to each page 20 Display 
            return View(result.OrderBy(t => t.PID).Skip((pageInd - 1) * 20).Take(20));

Step 4: Page invocation (the last step)

@Html.Action("PageIndex", "Product", new { action = "Index", controller = "Log", pageCount = ViewBag.PageCount, currentPage = ViewBag.CurrentPage })

Generally speaking, the data are changeable.

2. There is data submission

Step 1: Create an empty controller named PageIndex for Controller, and customize one method as follows:

    public ActionResult PageIndexKey(int currentPage, int pageCount)
      ViewBag.PageCount = pageCount;// Getting the total data pages from the operation will be passed into the paged view page 
      ViewBag.CurrentPage = currentPage;// Getting the current number of pages from the action will be passed into the paging view page 
      return PartialView();

Step 2: Create a distribution view

  $(function () {
    $("#pageingByForm a").click(function (event) {
<div id="pageingByForm">
  @if (ViewBag.PageCount == null || ViewBag.PageCount == 0)
    <span> No data currently available </span>
    if (ViewBag.CurrentPage <= 10)
    <span><a pageindex="1" href="#"> Home page </a>|</span>

    <span><a pageindex="1" href="#"> Home page </a>|</span>

    <span><a pageIndex="@(ViewBag.CurrentPage - 10)" href="#">...</a>|</span>
    for (int i = ViewBag.CurrentPage - 3; i < ViewBag.CurrentPage + 3; i++)
      if (i <= 0)
      if (i > ViewBag.PageCount)
    <span><a pageIndex="@i" href="#"> No. 1  @i  Page </a>|</span>
    if (ViewBag.CurrentPage >1)
    <span><a pageIndex="@(ViewBag.CurrentPage - 1)" href="#"> Upper 1 Page </a>|</span>
    if (ViewBag.PageCount > ViewBag.CurrentPage)
    <span><a pageIndex="@(ViewBag.CurrentPage + 1)" href="#"> Under 1 Page </a></span>
    if (ViewBag.CurrentPage >= ViewBag.PageCount - 10)
    <span><a pageIndex="@(ViewBag.CurrentPage + 10)" href="#">...</a>|</span>
    <span><a pageIndex="@ViewBag.PageCount" href="#"> Tail   Page </a></span>
    <span style="padding-left: 20px"> Current Pages:  @ViewBag.CurrentPage |  Altogether  @ViewBag.PageCount  Page 

Step 3: Modify the action view and controller

public ViewResult Index(int? pageIndex ,string search)
    int pageInd = pageIndex.HasValue ? pageIndex.Value : 1;
     ViewBag.PageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(result.Count() / 20.0); 
    return View(result.OrderBy(t => t.PID).Skip((pageInd - 1) * 20).Take(20));

View (page call):
@using (Html.BeginForm())

Get query results according to gender

Gender: @ Html.TextBox ("sex")

< input type= "submit" value= "Query"/ >

@Html.Action("PageIndexKey", "PageIndex", new { pageCount = ViewBag.PageCount, currentPage = ViewBag.CurrentPage })



      // Data ,1 A list Collection of  
      List<string> s = new List<string>(); 
      s.Add(" Zhang Jun "); 
      ViewBag.PageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(s.Count() / 20.0); 
      return View(s.Skip((pageInd - 1) * 20).Take(20)); 
      @Html.Action("PageIndex", "PageIndex", 
      new { action = "", controller = "", pageCount = ViewBag.PageCount, currentPage = ViewBag.CurrentPage })

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