How to: Add a scroll bar for CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList

  • 2021-08-03 10:06:26
  • OfStack

How do I add scroll bars to CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList?
Inherit the base classes CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList, add the scroll attribute, and override the Render method.
Attribute list:

#region  Rolling control 
    private bool _ShowScrollBar = false;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Show scroll bar 
    /// </summary>
    System.ComponentModel.Description(" Whether to display the display scroll bar ")
    , System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(false)
    , System.ComponentModel.Category(" Scroll bar settings ")
    , System.ComponentModel.Bindable(System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport.Yes)
    public bool ShowScrollBar
      get { return _ShowScrollBar; }
      set { _ShowScrollBar = value; }
    private Overflow _OverflowY =;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Vertical scroll bar 
    /// </summary>
    System.ComponentModel.Description(" Vertical scroll bar ")
    , System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(
    , System.ComponentModel.Category(" Scroll bar settings ")
    , System.ComponentModel.Bindable(System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport.Yes)
    public Overflow OverflowY
      get { return _OverflowY; }
      set { _OverflowY = value; }
    private Overflow _OverflowX =;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Horizontal scroll bar 
    /// </summary>
    System.ComponentModel.Description(" Horizontal scroll bar ")
    , System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(
    , System.ComponentModel.Category(" Scroll bar settings ")
    , System.ComponentModel.Bindable(System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport.Yes)
    public Overflow OverflowX
      get { return _OverflowX; }
      set { _OverflowX = value; }
    private Unit _ScrollHeight = Unit.Parse("0px");
    /// <summary>
    ///  Rolling height 
    /// </summary>
    System.ComponentModel.Description(" Rolling height ")
    , System.ComponentModel.Category(" Scroll bar settings ")
     , DefaultValue("0px")
    , System.ComponentModel.Bindable(System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport.Yes)
    public Unit ScrollHeight
      get { return _ScrollHeight; }
      set { _ScrollHeight = value; }
    private Unit _ScrollWidth = Unit.Parse("0px");
    /// <summary>
    ///  Scroll width 
    /// </summary>
    System.ComponentModel.Description(" Scroll width ")
    , System.ComponentModel.Category(" Scroll bar settings ")
    , DefaultValue("0px")
    , System.ComponentModel.Bindable(System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport.Yes)
    public Unit ScrollWidth
      get { return _ScrollWidth; }
      set { _ScrollWidth = value; }
    private string _ScrollCssClass = "";
    /// <summary>
    ///  Scroll style settings 
    /// </summary>
    System.ComponentModel.Description(" Scroll style settings ")
    , System.ComponentModel.Category(" Scroll bar settings ")
    , System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("")
    , System.ComponentModel.Bindable(System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport.Yes)
    public string ScrollCssClass
      get { return _ScrollCssClass; }
      set { _ScrollCssClass = value; }

    #region  Writing label 
    void WriteBeginSpan(HtmlTextWriter writer)
      if (this._ShowScrollBar)
        StringBuilder strSpan = new StringBuilder();
        strSpan.Append("<span ");
          System.Enum.GetName(typeof(Overflow), this._OverflowY),
          System.Enum.GetName(typeof(Overflow), this._OverflowX)));
        if (this._ScrollHeight.ToString() != "0px")
          strSpan.Append(string.Format("height:{0};", this._ScrollHeight));
        if (this._ScrollWidth.ToString() != "0px")
          strSpan.Append(string.Format("width:{0};", this._ScrollWidth));
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ScrollCssClass))
          strSpan.Append(string.Format(" class='{0}'", _ScrollCssClass));
    void WriteEndSpan(HtmlTextWriter writer)
      if (this._ShowScrollBar)

Override the Render method:

 protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)

That's it.
Also define an enumeration:

public enum Overflow
    auto = 0,
    hidden = 1,
    scroll = 2,
    visible = 3,
    inherit = 4

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