Interpretation of ASP. NET 5 MVC 6 Series Tutorials (17): Other New Features in MVC

  • 2021-07-26 07:27:35
  • OfStack

(GlobalImport Global Import Feature)

In the newly established MVC program by default, one is newly added under the Views directory _GlobalImport.cshtml Documents and _ViewStart.cshtml At the same level, the function of this file is similar to the previous web. config file in the Views directory, where we often set the namespace of global import to avoid reuse in each view file @using xx.xx Statement.
The default example is as follows:

@using BookStore
@using Microsoft.Framework.OptionsModel
@addTagHelper "*, Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.TagHelpers"

The above code indicates that the reference BookStore And Microsoft.Framework.OptionsModel Namespace, and Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.TagHelpers All namespaces under the assembly.

We have already explained the functions of addTagHelper in TagHelper

Note that in this example, we only refer to BookStore Namespace, and does not reference BookStore.Controllers Namespace, so we can't access it in any view HomeController Class (you can't use the Controllers.HomeController I hope Microsoft can improve it in the future.

Get information about IP

To obtain information about IP addresses of user visitors, you can use dependency injection to obtain _ViewStart.cshtml0 From which information about the IP address can be obtained, as follows:

var connection1 = Request.HttpContext.GetFeature<IHttpConnectionFeature>();
var connection2 = Context.GetFeature<IHttpConnectionFeature>();

var isLocal = connection1.IsLocal;         // Whether local IP 
var localIpAddress = connection1.LocalIpAddress;  // Local IP Address 
var localPort = connection1.LocalPort;       // Local IP Port 
var remoteIpAddress = connection1.RemoteIpAddress; // Remote IP Address 
var remotePort = connection1.RemotePort;      // Local IP Port 

Similarly, you can also pass the IHttpRequestFeature , IHttpResponseFeature , IHttpClientCertificateFeature , IWebSocketAcceptContext And so on, get the related instance, so as to use the characteristics on the instance, all of which are in the namespace Microsoft.AspNet.HttpFeature Below.

File upload

MVC6 gives new improvements in file uploading, such as the following:

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input type="file" name="files" id="files" multiple />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />

We define the above upload form on the front page, and we can use the new file type in MVC6 when receiving it IFormFile Examples are as follows:

public async Task<IActionResult> Index(IList<IFormFile> files)
  foreach (var file in files)
    var fileName = ContentDispositionHeaderValue
      .Trim('"');// beta3 Version of bug , FileName The returned string contains double quotation marks, such as "fileName.ext"
    if (fileName.EndsWith(".txt"))//  Save Only txt Documents 
      var filePath = _hostingEnvironment.ApplicationBasePath + "\\wwwroot\\"+ fileName;
      await file.SaveAsAsync(filePath);
  return RedirectToAction("Index");// PRG

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