asp. net Implementation of Shopping Cart Based on HashTable

  • 2021-07-10 19:21:56
  • OfStack

In this paper, an example of asp. net based on HashTable to achieve shopping cart method. Share it for your reference, as follows:

// When a user buys a product, 
if (e.CommandName.ToLower() == "buy") 
 // Judge whether the shopping cart of the user is empty or not   If empty, assign 1 A 
 Hashtable table;
 if (Session["car"] == null)
  table = new Hashtable();
  // User shopping cart already exists   The data is fetched 
  table = Session["car"] as Hashtable;
 // If the item information is not included in the user's shopping cart   Add the 1 New merchandise 
 if (!table.Contains(e.CommandArgument))
  table.Add(e.CommandArgument, 1);// Add 1 New merchandise   Quantity is 1
  // If the item information already exists in the shopping cart   Add the quantity of the item 1  According to HashTable Gets the corresponding value with the key of 
  int count = Convert.ToInt32(table[e.CommandArgument].ToString());
  // Add the quantity of the commodity 1
  table[e.CommandArgument] = (count + 1);
 // Save commodity information 
 Session["car"] = table;
// Commodity information list 
private void shoplist()
  Hashtable table;
  if (Session["car"] == null)
   table = new Hashtable();
   table = Session["car"] as Hashtable;
  if (table.Count == 0)
   Image13.Visible = true;
   Msg.Visible = true;
   Msg.Text = "<b style="color:red" mce_style="color:red"> You haven't been shopping yet? Go shopping quickly !</b>";
  string[] Arrkey = new string[table.Count];
  int[] ArrVal = new int[table.Count];
  table.Keys.CopyTo(Arrkey, 0);
  table.Values.CopyTo(ArrVal, 0);
  // Definition string   Form  ('1,2,3')
  string Products = "('";
  int k = 0;
  for (int j = 0; j < Arrkey.Length; j++)
   if(k>0)Products += "','"; k++;
   Products += Arrkey.GetValue(j).ToString();
  Products += "')";
  DataSet ds = productbll.GetInfoByWhere(" pid in " + Products);
  DataTable Table1 = new DataTable();
  Table1 = ds.Tables[0];
  Table1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("shuliang", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")));
  // Get pid Value of   And set it to Table1 Primary key of 
  DataColumn[] keys = { Table1.Columns["pid"]};
  Table1.PrimaryKey = keys;
  foreach (string key in table.Keys)
   Table1.Rows.Find(key)["shuliang"] = table[key];// Get the value according to the key   Quantity of goods 
  Table1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("zongjia", System.Type.GetType("System.Double"), "hotprice*shuliang"));
  for (int n = 0; n < Table1.Rows.Count; n++) 
   tPrice +=Convert.ToDouble(Table1.Rows[n]["zongjia"]);
  Label1.Text = tPrice.ToString();
  Session["total"] = Label1.Text.ToString();
  MyGrid.DataSource = Table1.DefaultView;
#region  Delete from shopping cart 1 Article commodity information 
protected void MyGrid_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
  Hashtable table;
  if (Session["car"] == null)
   table = new Hashtable();
   table = Session["car"] as Hashtable;
  // If you click the Delete button   The item information is removed from the shopping cart 
  if (e.CommandName.ToLower() == "delete")
   if (table.ContainsKey(e.CommandArgument))
    // From HashTable Remove the information of this item from the ( Commodity number )  Key : Be the commodity number   Value is : Quantity of goods 
   Msg.Text = (string)e.CommandArgument;
  Session["car"] = table;
  // Invoke method 

I hope this article is helpful to everyone's asp. net programming.

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