VS 2015 Free Plugin Refactoring Essentials

  • 2021-06-29 10:46:03
  • OfStack


The refactoring plug-in "NR6Pack" previously developed by the SharpDevelop team for use in SharpDevelop, an open source IDE, has been renamed "Refactoring Essentials", which Hanselman calls a compliment to "Web Essentials" (read the original introductory article for Hanselman), and I think this plug-in will become a prerequisite plug-in for Visual Studio 2015 as well.

Because it has the following refactoring capabilities (http://vsrefactoringessentials.com/Features/Refactorings-CSharp):

Code that prompts you to add the existence of keys in the dictionary
Indicates that you have a mathematical expression that calculates a constant
Prompt you to convert enumerated bit comparisons to use the Enum.HasFlag method
Prompt you to change the direct conversion of the data type to a secure conversion (using the as keyword)
Prompt you to change While loop to DoWhile loop
Responsible for annotations from base classes
Create ChangedEvent
Convert Switch to If
It also brings the following code analysis capabilities (http://vsrefactoringessentials.com/Features/Refactorings-CSharp):

Create code using array initializers instead of arrays
Convert Closure to Method Group
Convert conditional 3-ary operator to null connector
Convert If judgement to Or expression
Provides suggestions for using the nameof keyword
Check for text that cannot be parsed
Simplified conditional 3-ary operation expression
The above refactoring and analysis functions are only some examples, but in fact, this Plugin 1 provides 71 refactoring and 73 analysis functions.In addition, Refactoring Essentials has so much functionality thanks to Roslyn's powerful code analysis infrastructure.

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope you like it.

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