Method for VB.NET to call the MySQL stored procedure and get the return value

  • 2021-06-29 10:45:44
  • OfStack

This article describes an example of how VB.NET calls an MySQL stored procedure and gets a return value.Share it for your reference.The implementation is as follows:

Dim myConnectionString As String = "Database=" & myDatabase & _
   " ;Data Source=" & myHost & _
   ";User Id=" & myUserId & ";Password=" & myPassword
Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnectionString)
Catch MyException As MySqlException
  Console.WriteLine("Connection error: MySQL code: " & MyException.Number & _
           " " + MyException.Message)
End Try
  Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand("call error_test_proc(1)")
  myCommand.Connection = myConnection
Catch MyException As MySqlException
  Console.WriteLine("Stored procedure error: MySQL code: " & _
      MyException.Number & " " & _
End Try

I hope that the description in this paper will be helpful to everyone's VB.NET program design.

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