Method for assigning Crystal Report parameter fields to code

  • 2021-06-28 12:21:35
  • OfStack

An example of how the Crystal Report parameter field is assigned to the code is given.Share it for your reference.The implementation is as follows:

//  Declares the variables required to pass parameters to the viewer control. 
ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields (); 
ParameterField paramField = new ParameterField (); 
ParameterDiscreteValue discreteVal = new ParameterDiscreteValue (); 
ParameterRangeValue rangeVal = new ParameterRangeValue (); 
//  No. 1 Parameters are discrete parameters with multiple values.Set the name of the parameter field, which must match the parameters in the report.  
paramField.ParameterFieldName = " Customer Name "; 
//  Settings 1 And pass it to the parameter.  
discreteVal.Value = "AIC Childrens"; 
paramField.CurrentValues.Add (discreteVal); 
//  Settings 2 And pass it to the parameter. discreteVal  The variable is set to a new value so that previous settings are not overwritten.  
discreteVal = new ParameterDiscreteValue (); 
discreteVal.Value = "Aruba Sport"; 
paramField.CurrentValues.Add (discreteVal); 
//  Add this parameter to the parameter field collection.  
paramFields.Add (paramField); 
//  No. 2 Parameters are area values. paramField  The variable is set to a new value so that previous settings are not overwritten.  
paramField = new ParameterField (); 
//  Set the name of the parameter field, which must match the parameters in the report.  
paramField.ParameterFieldName = " Customer  ID"; 
//  Sets the start and end values of the range and passes the range to the parameter.  
rangeVal.StartValue = 42; 
rangeVal.EndValue = 72; 
paramField.CurrentValues.Add (rangeVal); 
//  Will 2 Parameters are added to the parameter field collection.  
paramFields.Add (paramField); 
//  Put the parameter field collection into the viewer control.  
crystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields;

Here are my own applications:

public void OnePage(CrystalReportViewer crystalReportViewer,int a)
 ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields();
 ParameterField paramField = new ParameterField();
 ParameterDiscreteValue discreteVal = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
 //  No. 1 Parameters are discrete parameters with multiple values.Set the name of the parameter field, which must match the parameters in the report.  
 paramField.ParameterFieldName = "ARC_I_ID";
 //  Sets the discrete value and passes it to the parameter. 
 discreteVal.Value = id;
 //  Add this parameter to the parameter field collection. 
 //  Put the parameter field collection into the viewer control.  
 crystalReportViewer.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields;

The first code has two parameter fields, and the second code has one.

I hope that the description in this paper will be helpful to everyone's program design.

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