asp. net calls the system method that sets the font text box

  • 2021-01-18 06:22:34
  • OfStack calls the system to set the font text box method, which is a very practical skill in web development. The specific implementation steps are as follows:

1. Call the system font text box

First, right-click -- in the bin folder > Add a reference -- > In the net TAB, select: System.Windows.Forms > determine

Then introduce in the cs file:

using System.Windows.Forms; 

Add the following code:

FontDialog fd = new FontDialog();

You can call up the text box of the system setting font.

2. Use the FontDialog pop-up text box to set the font style and size

FontDialog fd = new FontDialog();
Label1.Font.Name = fd.Font.FontFamily.Name.ToString();
Label1.Font.Size = Convert.ToInt32(fd.Font.Size);

Hope this article described to everybody program design is helpful.

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