asp. net method that traverses all subfolders under the folder and binds to gridview

  • 2020-12-22 17:37:16
  • OfStack

Traverse all subfolders under the folder, and traverse all key,value in a node of the configuration file and bind to GridView

Helper app_Helper = new Helper(); 

DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 

DataTable dt = new DataTable(); 

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 

#region  The binding GridView 

/// <summary> 
///  The binding GridView 
/// </summary> 
protected void gvwBind() 
INI.INIPath iniINIPath = new INI.INIPath(); 
INI.INIFile iniINIFile = new INI.INIFile(iniINIPath.getINIPath()); 

string FolderNames = app_Helper.GetAllFolder(Server.MapPath("../../APPDIR"));// To obtain APPDIR All subfolder names under the folder  

string[] FolderName = new string[FolderNames.Split(',').Length - 1];// Declare an array to hold the absolute path to the folder  

FolderName = FolderNames.Split(',');// Assign a value to the absolute path array of folders  

dt.Columns.Add("LKNAME", typeof(string)); 
dt.Columns.Add("qdjsjm", typeof(string)); 
dt.Columns.Add("qdipdz", typeof(string)); 

for (int i = 0; i < FolderName.Length - 1; i++) 
DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); 

FolderName[i] = FolderName[i].Substring(FolderName[i].LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);// Intercept folder name  

row["LKNAME"] = FolderName[i];// to  LKNAME  Characters of the assignment  

if (!iniINIFile.IniReadValue("dzjclkzp", FolderName[i]).Equals(""))// Whether the same folder name exists in the configuration file key 
row["qdjsjm"] = iniINIFile.IniReadValue("dzjclkzp", FolderName[i]).Split(',')[0];// to qdjsjm Field assignment  
row["qdipdz"] = iniINIFile.IniReadValue("dzjclkzp", FolderName[i]).Split(',')[1];// to qdipdz Field assignment  


gvwGKWH.DataSource = dt;// Bind to an array  

#endregion  The binding GridView

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