Parse USES ES0en.exe to generate a detailed explanation of the webservice proxy class

  • 2020-06-12 08:50:45
  • OfStack

wsdl. exe is used to generate webservice proxy class:
Generate the webservice proxy class from the supplied wsdl
1. Start - > Program - > Visual Studio 2005 command prompt
2. Input the following part marked in red
D:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC > wsdl /language:c# /n:TestDemo /out:d:/Temp/TestService.cs D:/Temp/TestService.wsdl
An ES20en. cs file is generated under d:/Temp
Note: D: / Temp TestService wsdl wsdl path, can be url path: http: / / localhost Temp/Test asmx? wsdl

wsdl parameter description:
wsdl.exe < options > < URL or path > < URL or path > ...
- options -
< URL or path > -
URL or path to the WSDL protocol, XSD schema, or.discomap document.
Undisplay copyright marks.
/language: < language >
The language used for the generated proxy class. From "CS", "VB", "JS", "VJS",
"CPP" option, or to achieve System. CodeDom. Compiler. CodeDomProvider
Class provides a fully qualified name. The default language is "CS" (CSharp).
Abbreviated as "/l:".

Turn on type sharing. This functionality is Shared between different services
Of the same type (namespace, name, and network signature must be the same)
Create a code file with a single type definition.
Use http:// URLs as the command line argument to reference
Service, or create an discomap document for a local file.

Displays additional information when specifying the /sharetypes switch.
The abbreviation is "/v".

Generate fields instead of properties. Abbreviated as "/f".

Generates an explicit sequence identifier for the particle member.

Implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface on all generated types,
To enable data binding. The abbreviation is "/edb".

/namespace: < namespace >
The namespace of the generated proxy or template. Default namespace
For the global namespace. The abbreviation is "/n:".

/out: < fileName|directoryPath >
The filename or directory path of the generated agent code. The default file name is
Derived from the service name. The abbreviation is "/o:".

/protocol: < protocol >
Override the default protocol to implement. Please click "SOAP", "SOAP12",
Choose "HttpGet" or "HttpPost".

/username: < username >
/password: < password >
/domain: < domain >
Credentials used when connecting to a server that requires authentication.
The abbreviations are "/u:", "/p:" and "/d:".

/proxy: < url >
URL for the proxy server used to handle HTTP requests.
The default is to use the system proxy server Settings.

/proxyusername: < username >
/proxypassword: < password >
/proxydomain: < domain >
Credentials used when connecting to a proxy server that requires authentication.
The abbreviations are "/pu:", "/pp:" and "/pd:".

/appsettingurlkey: < key >
Used to read the URL attribute in code generation
Configuration items with default values. Default is not from the configuration
Read from the file. The abbreviation is "/urlkey:".

/appsettingbaseurl: < baseurl >
The base URL used to calculate the URL segment.
You must also specify the appsettingurlkey option. URL segment is
From appsettingbaseurl computing
The result of URL relative to URL in the WSDL document. The abbreviation is "/baseurl:".

Output error in a format similar to that reported by the compiler.

- high -

The server switch has been denied. Please use /serverInterface instead.
ASP. NET, implemented for Xml Web Services using the protocol-based ES242en. NET
Generate abstract classes. By default, the client proxy is generated

Generated for the server-side implementation of ASP.Net Web service
Interface. Each binding in the wsdl document will be generated
1 interface. wsdl implements the wsdl protocol separately (implementation
The class of the interface should not include any of the following on the class method:
Change the Web service attribute or serialization of the wsdl protocol
Properties). The abbreviation is "/si".

/parameters: < file >
Reads the command line options from the specified xml file. So I can
Specify options that are not available on the command line, such as selection
Type of asynchronous programming model generated. For more information,
See the tooling documentation. The abbreviation is "/par:".

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