static method Grid to DataTable method implementation steps

  • 2020-06-01 09:32:56
  • OfStack

After the GridView binding of DataTable, how to get the value displayed after the GridView binding? Under the background of the project requirements, the method to get the cell display text was searched, and then a static method was written. After the use of bug in the project and the repair of bug, it was relatively stable.

Only le le than all le le, put up the code for everyone to correct.
#region ================GridView turn DataTable methods ================ 
/// <summary>GridView turn DataTable  Copyright: domain of knowledge . Please quote the source </summary> 
/// <param name="gv"> Of the bound data source GridView</param> 
/// <param name="showHideColumn"> Whether to display hidden columns </param> 
/// <returns>DataTable</returns> 
public static DataTable GridViewToDataTable(GridView gv, Boolean showHideColumn) 
// The processed data table  
DataTable dt = new DataTable(); 
// Records meet the criteria index  
int[] columnIndexs = new int[gv.HeaderRow.Cells.Count]; 
// Recording indicator from 0 start  
int columnIndexsCount = 0; 
// Initialize the dt The column name  
for (int i = 0; i < gv.HeaderRow.Cells.Count; i++) 
// To get the column name  
string columnName = GetCellText(gv.HeaderRow.Cells[i]); 
//string columnName = gv.HeaderRow.Cells[i].Text; 
// The column is not empty // And visible  
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName)) 
// Whether to display hidden columns  
if (gv.HeaderRow.Cells[i].Visible || showHideColumn) 
// Column names are not allowed to be repeated  
if (!dt.Columns.Contains(columnName)) 
//dt In the new 1 column  
DataColumn dc = dt.Columns.Add(); 
// The column name  
dc.ColumnName = columnName; 
// The type of data stored  
dc.DataType = typeof(string); 
// Record qualified column indexes  
columnIndexs[columnIndexsCount] = i; 
// Recording indicator +1 
}// Copyright: domain of knowledge . Please quote the source  
//GridView Copying rows into an array is easy to manipulate  
GridViewRow[] allGridViewRow = new GridViewRow[gv.Rows.Count]; 
gv.Rows.CopyTo(allGridViewRow, 0); 
// Add data to dt In the  
foreach (GridViewRow row in allGridViewRow) 
// create 1 line  
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); 
// Qualified columns  
for (int i = 0; i < columnIndexsCount; i++) 
// Gets the display text and saves it  
dr[i] = GetCellText(row.Cells[columnIndexs[i]]); 
//dt Middle add row  
// Returns the processed data  
return dt; 
/// <summary>GridView turn DataTable  Copyright: domain of knowledge . Please quote the source </summary> 
/// <param name="gv"> Not bound to the data source GridView</param> 
/// <param name="dtSource">GridView The data source </param> 
/// <param name="showHideColumn"> Whether to display hidden columns </param> 
/// <returns>DataTable</returns> 
public static DataTable GridViewToDataTable(GridView gv, DataTable dtSource, Boolean showHideColumn) 
// Bind the raw data to GridView 
gv.DataSource = dtSource; 
// Set to no paging  
gv.AllowPaging = false;<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">// Copyright: domain of knowledge . Please quote the source  
//GridView turn DataTable And return  
return GridViewToDataTable(gv, showHideColumn); 
#region ================ Private tool method ================ 
/// <summary> To obtain TableCell Display text of   Copyright: domain of knowledge . Please quote the source </summary> 
/// <param name="cell">TableCell</param> 
/// <returns>string</returns> 
private static string GetCellText(TableCell cell) 
string cellText = cell.Text; 
// Normal text (no controls) is returned directly  
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellText)) 
// Return display text  
return cellText.Replace("&nbsp;", ""); 
// traverse cell In the control  
foreach (Control control in cell.Controls) 
if (control != null && control is IButtonControl) 
IButtonControl btn = control as IButtonControl; 
cellText += btn.Text.Replace("\r\n", "").Trim(); 
} Copyright: domain of knowledge . Please quote the source  
if (control != null && control is ITextControl) 
LiteralControl lc = control as LiteralControl; 
if (lc != null) 
// Jump out to the 1 step foreach 
ITextControl l = control as ITextControl; 
cellText += l.Text.Replace("\r\n", "").Trim(); 
// Return display text  
return cellText; 

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