(this article extracts the first few lines of the list as a summary) returns the HTML code without loss

  • 2020-05-19 04:30:34
  • OfStack

<BR>        /* <STRONG> Time is very long ago, have the code friend to want, I copied down, remember to use the time or some exceptions to deal with, most is ok . </STRONG> 
        *  Function:   
        *  Description: return without damage HTML code  
        *  Author: cass Kas(QQ : 10590916) 
        *  Modification: 2010-12-13 ,  

        public static string LeftH(string str, int l) 
            // To prevent errors  
            string odstr = str; 
            bool isHtml = false;// Determines if the beginning of the intercept is a string  
            int maxLen = str.Length; 
            int n = 0, i = 0, b = 0, e = 0; 
            string c, c2 = "", Start = "", EndLabel = "", AllLabel = ""; 
            if (l >= str.Length) return str;// The intercept field is larger than the character length  

            bool isErr = false; 
            while (n < l && i < maxLen) 
                c = str.Substring(i - 1, 1); 

                string end2str = ""; 
                    end2str = str.Substring(i - 1, 2); 
                    end2str = ""; 
                if (c == "<" && end2str != "</") 
                    isHtml = true; 
                    b = i;// record 1 A position  
                    //5      Resolve unpaired tags  

                    string end2tag = ""; 
                        end2tag = str.Substring(i, 2); 
                        end2tag = ""; 

                    if (end2tag == "br") 
                        isHtml = false; 
                    if (str.Substring(i, 1).ToLower() == "%") 
                        isHtml = false; 
                    if (str.Substring(i, 1).ToLower() == "?") 
                        isHtml = false; 
                    else if (end2tag == "hr") 
                        isHtml = false; 

                if (c == "<" && end2str == "</") 
                    c2 = str.Substring(i - 1, str.Substring(i - 1).IndexOf(">") + 1); 
                    AllLabel = AllLabel.Substring(c2.Length); 

                Start = Start + c;// Records the current character and its preceding character  

                if (!isHtml) 
                    //6      A more accurate count  
                        if (str.Substring(i, 2).ToLower() == "br") 
                        else if (str.Substring(i, 2).ToLower() == "hr") 
                        // If there is an error, plain text is returned (@"<[^>]+>|</[^>]+>"); 
                        //odstr = Regex.Replace(odstr, @"<[^>]+>|</[^>]+>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 
                        odstr = odstr.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">"); 
                        if (l > odstr.Length) l = odstr.Length; 
                        return odstr.Substring(0, l); 
                    if (c == ">")// If we loop to > When you want to deal with the middle part of the paired tag  
                        if (isHtml) 
                            EndLabel = str.Substring(b, i - b);// To obtain < to > Code between  
                            e = EndLabel.IndexOf(" ");// Tag attributes have space, space for the segmentation, get the tag name  
                            if (e > 0) 
                                EndLabel = "</" + EndLabel.Substring(0, e) + ">"; 
                                EndLabel = "</" + EndLabel; 
                            AllLabel = EndLabel + AllLabel;// Record the current closing tag and all relevant closing tags  
                        isHtml = false;// Reset the property and start over  
                //4      When finished, a tag is found that is not closed, then start again 1 time  
                if (n + 1 >= l) 
                    if (InStrN(Start, "<") != InStrN(Start, ">")) 
            }//end while 

                isErr = true; 

            string newReString = Start + AllLabel + "..."; 

            // And then finally verify again  
            Regex Rg = new Regex("<.[^>/]+>", RegexOptions.Compiled); 
            Regex Rg2 = new Regex(@"<\s*/[a-z]\s*>", RegexOptions.Compiled); 

            if (inStrLen(newReString, "<") != inStrLen(newReString, ">")) 
                isErr = true; 
            else if (inStrLen(newReString.Replace(""", "\""), "\"") % 2 == 1) 
                isErr = true; 
            else if (Rg.Matches(newReString).Count != Rg2.Matches(newReString).Count) 
                isErr = true; 
            if (isErr) 
                odstr = odstr.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">").Replace("\"", """).Replace("'", "'"); 
                if (l > odstr.Length) 
                { newReString = odstr; } 
                        newReString = odstr.Substring(0, l) + "..."; 
                        newReString = odstr; 

            return newReString;// return  

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