ADO SQL database note summary is continuously updated

  • 2020-05-17 05:09:11
  • OfStack

ADO connects to the database
1) get the connection string
Approach 1: remember the connection string
connectionString=" Integrated Security=True; server=. ; database=DBName"
Option 2: in visual studio, click "view" a service explorer a right click "data connection" on the left and select "add connection" a service name: is 1 point. Select the database name, then click "advanced" and copy the connection string at the bottom
2) configure the connection string in web.config
<addname="SQLconnectionStr"connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=NetShopDB;Integrated Security=True"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> 

3) create SqlConnection class in DAL layer, including static methods:
Remember to add the Configuration reference and using System.Configuration; The namespace
public static string getConnectionStr() 
return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLconnectionStr"].ToString(); 

4) call getConnectionStr() static methods in other classes in the DAL layer
string conStr= SqlConnection.getConnectionStr(); 

Method for the DAL layer to execute SQL statements

ADO operates on SQL statements: mode 1
public List<student> getData1(string myid, string myname) 
// Here with using Agile and convenient , Use up con No manual closing is required , Will automatically close the current connection  
using(SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(conStr) ) 
// Open the connection  
string cmdStr = "select * from ns_user where userID=@myid and userName=@myname"; 
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdStr,con); 
// Here, parameter serialization is used to prevent injection attacks  
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@myid", myid)); 
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@myname", myname)); 
// Execute the query and return the number of values in the result set returned by the query 1 The first 1 The column. Ignore other columns or rows  
//object myResult = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); 
//  Perform on the connection  Transact-SQL  Statement and returns the number of affected rows. ( Responsible for executing statements ,  For example, increased insert, delete delete, change update) 
//int ResultRowCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 
SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); 
List<student> ls = new List<student>(); 
while (sdr.Read()) 
student s = new student(); 
s.Sid = sdr["sid"].ToString(); 
s.Sname = sdr["sname"].ToString(); 
return ls; 
Dataset( remember ) 
#region  Get the details of the teacher  
public DataSet GetTeacherInfo() 
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dbapp)) 
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from table1 ", conn); 
DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // define 1 A collection of tables  
sda.Fill(ds, "teacher"); 
return ds; 


ADO operation stored procedure:
public int UserCheck(string userID,string userName) 
using(SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection (conStr)) 
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); 
cmd.CommandText = "sp_MYLogin"; //sp_MYLogin Is the name of the stored procedure  
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 
cmd.Connection = con; 

// Assign a value to a stored procedure  
// Assignment way 1( Assign the first 1 The value inside the parentheses  "@name" Must and stored procedure "@name"1 die 1 sample ) 
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userID", userID)); 

// Assignment way 2( Assign the first 2 A value ) 
SqlParameter pwd = new SqlParameter("@pwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50); 
pwd.Value = userName; 
pwd.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
// define 1 To accept the return value of the stored procedure  
SqlParameter result = new SqlParameter("@return", SqlDbType.Int); 
result.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; 

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Executing stored procedures  

// achieve SQL variable @result The return value of the stored procedure stored in  
int num = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.Parameters["@return"].Value); //Parameters is 1 A collection of ["@return"] It's his index  
return num; 

The error log
catch (Exception ex) 
{ // The error log  
error.ErrorWrite("UserInsert", ex.Message, DateTime.Now.ToString()); 
return null; 

Database technology
Building library table
Build library statement
create database student -- The name of the database you created  
on primary --- Specify the parameters of the data file  
name='studnet3_data', -- All of the strings '  interval  
filename='E:\lx\student4_data.mdf', -- The file name contains the path and name . extension  
size=3MB, ---- The default size, if you don't write the size, the default is MB 
maxsize=100MB, ---- The maximum capacity  
filegrowth=1MB --- Automatic increment / capacity , If yes, the capacity will not be automatically expanded  

log on ----- Each parameter of the log file  
filegrowth=10% --10% It's the maximum capacity %) 

sp_helpdb student --- Query database name  
sp_renamedb student,stu -- Rename database  
drop database student -- Delete database  

Build table statements
drop table person -- Delete table  
create table person -- Create a table  
--- Note: below are the properties ( The field names ) The data type comes first  
ID int primary key identity(2,1) not null, -- primary key Is to set the primary key, ensuring that the column value is only 1 And it's not empty, identity(2,1) The starting value is zero, and the step size is zero  
Name nvarchar(10) not null, ---not null It can't be empty  
Sex bit not null, --bit is bool type  
age int default 18 , -- default 18 It means automatically taking the default value  
scroe decimal(4,1) check(score<=100) --4 The number of digits after the decimal point  check Check for constraints  
cardid int unique --unique  Refers to only 1 Key, having multiple columns of data in the table needs to be guaranteed only 1 When columns other than the primary key need to be set to only 1 column  

Operation on a table
Modify the table structure to add remove constraints

alter table person -- modify the table structure
--add NameID int -- add the property \ field NameID column, add the column
--drop column NameID -- delete columns

--alter column ID int not null -- the add field is not empty
--add constraint constraint name (pk_ table name _ column name | pk_ column name)
--add constraint pk_ID primary key(ID) -- add a primary key constraint when modifying a table
--add constraint ck_score check(score < 150) -- add check constraints when modifying a table
--add constraint uk_cardi unique(cardid) -- add a key-only constraint when modifying a table
--add constraint df_age default 19 for age -- add default constraints when modifying a table
--drop constraint CKs 115ens 116ens 1502E78 -- delete constraint (format :drop constraint constraint name)
Modify the table information, add (insert) delete (delete) change (update) check (select)
-- add records < insert table name values(parameter) > < 1 > String or date type plus '' < 2 > bit with or < 2 > Automatically growing a column does not require adding a value
insert person values(12,'wang',0,23,32,34)
insert person(sex,age,cardid) values(0,23,32) -- selective insertion of data ((sex,age,cardid)) refers to data to be manually added

-- modification record < update table name set modifies the object where condition > < 1 > Modify multiple fields separated by commas
update person set age=19,sex=0 where ID=1
update person set age=19,age=12 where ID=2 --- < 1 >
update person set age=19+1 where ID=2-- perform arithmetic operations when modifying information
update person set age=19+1 -- if where is not written, all data is modified

update person set age=SUBSTRING(age,1,1) where ID=1 --substring is a truncation of characters

-- delete records < delete table name where condition > (delete all records if where is not added)
delete person where ID=1

A query to a table
Single table query
select * from tableName -- The lookup displays the entire table ( All the columns ) 
select The column name 1, The column name 2 from tableName -- Display partial columns  
select The column name 1=' Serial number ', The column name 2=' brand ' from Product1 -- Among them 1 The information system of columns 1 Modify the  

-- Modify the column header when displayed ( methods 1) 
select ' Serial number '=ProCode,' brand '=ProTypeName from Product1 
-- Modify the column header when displayed ( methods 2) 
Select  The column name 1 ' Serial number ', The column name 2 ' brand ' from Product1 

-- Perform arithmetic operations on the columns when displayed ,  Add columns when displayed  
select The column name 1, The column name 2, The column name 3*0.5 ' After the discount ',Number from Product1 

select distinct  The column name 1 from tableName -- Delete duplicate rows for this column when displayed  
select top 3 * from Product1 -- According to the former 3 column  
select top 50 percent * from Product1 -- Displays the front of the total number of rows % line  
--and Is and , or Is or  ,  Conditions of the : not  The column name =' value ' 
select * from tableName where Number=15 and not age=12 and Name='aa' or sex=1 
-- To find the score The range of 0 to 100 The data of  
select * from Product1 where score<100 and score >=1 
select * from Product1 where score between 1 and 100 
--in . not in ( Inclusion or exclusion )  The following are all lookups number Is the data of and  
select * from Product1 where Number=10 or Number=15 or Number=20 
select * from Product1 where Number in(10,15,20) 
select * from Product1 where not Number in(10,15,20) 
--<1>like Pattern matching characters % Can be substituted for any number of characters <2> _ Can replace 1 A character  <3>[] is 1 Search range  
select * from Product1 where ProCode like 'D%' -- Find the first letter is D the ProCode The data of  
select * from Product1 where ProCode like '_S%' -- Find the first 2 A character is S the procode data  
select * from Product1 where  The column name 1 like '1%' -- even float Also want to add '' 
select * from Product1 where  The column name 1 like '_4_' -- Find the first 2 Is and the number of characters is 3 data  
select * from Product1 where  The column name 1 like '_[5-9]%' -- Find the first 2 A character is 5 to 9 The column 1 data  
-- To find the empty , Data that is not empty  
select *from Product1 where proValue is not null 
select *from Product1 where proValue is null 
go -- The sorting ( desc Descending order  asc ascending   Default to ascending without writing anything  ) 
select * from Product1 order by proValue desc -- will provalue In descending order  
select * from Product1 order by proValue asc -- will provalue In ascending order  
select * from Product1 order by Number -- will Number According to the default ( ascending ) arrangement  
select * from Product1 order by Number desc,proValue asc -- The first 2 The first condition is number one 1 Only when the conditions are the same  
go -- Aggregation function  
select MAX(proValue) from Product1 -- To find the proValue Maximum of  
select min(proValue) from Product1 -- To find the proValue Minimum of  
select sum(proValue) from Product1 -- To find the proValue The sum of the data  
select avg(proValue) from Product1 -- To find the proValue Mean value in  
select count(*) from Product1 -- Look up the number of rows in the table * You can also use the column name instead  

--group by Groups ( where in group by  Before, having The filter conditions after grouping, where and having It's all screening criteria.)  
-- grouping : You can display grouped column information and grouped information for statistics  
select The column name 1,max( The column name 2),min( The column name 3) from tableName where proTypeName=' The TV ' group by  The column name 1 
select proTypeName,max(proValue),min(proValue) from Product1 group by proTypeName having count(proValue)>1 

Multi-table query

-- In the connection inner join  Query for information common to both tables  
--from Query the column name 1.Name= The column name 2.Name  It's an association condition ( The content of the column in the association condition is 1 to ) 
select * from tableName inner join Product2 on The column name 1.Name= The column name 2.Name 
-- Display the partial columns after the query, p1.* It means to show p1 Of all the columns  
select p1.*,proArea,proBrand from Product1 as p1 inner join Product2 on p1.ProCode=Product2.ProCode 
--Product1 as p1  Mean to Product1 They gave it a different name p1  . as  Can be omitted  
select * from Product1 as p1 inner join Product2 as p2 on p1.ProCode=p2.ProCode 
--where Query, omitted as < format :select * from  table , table where  Associated conditions > 
select * from Product1 p1,Product2 p2 where p1.ProCode=p2.ProCode 

-- Outer join  -- The data associated with the two tables is displayed first, then the data not associated  
go --< format :select * from  table left\right\full outer join  table on  Associated conditions > 
select * from Product1 p1 left outer join Product2 p2 on p1.ProCode=p2.ProCode -- The left outer join  
select * from Product1 p1 right outer join Product2 p2 on p1.ProCode=p2.ProCode -- Right connection  
select * from Product1 p1 full outer join Product2 p2 on p1.ProCode=p2.ProCode -- Full outer join  

-- Cross connection ( It's called a cartesian connection : Crazy connection, n right n The connection , No associated condition ) 
-- format :select * from  table cross join  table  
select * from Product1 cross join Product2 
-- Since the connection ( Since the query : Is the 1 A table is divided into two tables ) 
select c1.*,c2.Name from ST_class c1,ST_class c2 where c1.ID=c2.Department and c1.Name=' School of computer science ' 
-- Nested query  
-- The subquery returns multiple values  
select * from product1 where ProCode in(select ProCode from Product2 where proArea=' Beijing ') 
select * from product1 where ProCode not in(select ProCode from Product2 where proArea=' Beijing ') 
-- Subquery return 1 A value  
select* from Product1 where proValue=(select MAX(provalue) from Product1) 

-- Can be used when a subquery returns multiple values any Returns any of the results 1 One [smallest] 1 A) all (returns all [maximum] values in the result)  

-- The joint query  union all ( with union all Join two separate subqueries ) 

The stored procedure

-- create (create)/ Modify the (alter)1 Four stored procedures  
alter proc sp_SMGetCity ---sp_SMGetCity  Is the name of the stored procedure  
@code nvarchar(50), -- The data type should be the same as the character being compared  
@name nvarchar(50) output , 
@grade int=1 
--' Notice here : The stored procedure assigns an initial value , Only in the last parameter ' 
---1 a @  Symbols are local variables  
--- two @  Symbols are global variables  
select @name=Name from TBName where Code like @code+'%' and Grade=@grade --begin and end  The middle is going to be executed SQL statements  
print @name -- Band output parameter  

declare @outname nvarchar(50) --  define 1 A variable  
exec sp_SMGetCity'11',@outname output --@aa Assign a variable to an output parameter to receive the return value  
select @outname 

sp_help sp_SMGetCity -- See, sp_studentmanager The stored procedure creation information  
sp_helptext sp_SMGetCity -- See, sp_studentmanager The stored procedure creation code  
drop proc sp_SMGetCity -- Delete stored procedure  

--return Only integer data can be returned  
-- Delete stored procedure drop proc sp_Name 
-- exec(@aa)-- perform @aa(SQL statements ) So I'm going to put parentheses , In the execution string SQL statements  

 The stored procedure is called by the stored procedure  
declare @return int 
exec @return=sp_checkUser@id,@name -- The stored procedure is called by the stored procedure  
if @return=0 
print ' There is no repeat ,return Only integer types can be returned ' 
print ' User registered ' 

1 some examples
Database joint access authorization
alter view vw_Role 
declare @num int 
declare @title nvarchar(100) 
declare @ctitle nvarchar(200) 
set @ctitle='' 
select @num=count(*)from dbo.Operate 
select @title=name from (select row_number() over(order by id) 'newid' ,name from dbo.Operate )ta where newid =@num 
set @ctitle+=@title+',' 
set @ctitle+=@title 
set @num=@num-1 
Declare @sql varchar(8000) 
set @sql='select * from(select 1 "isture",rolename,modulename,operatename,role_ID,Module_id from vw_userrole group by rolename,modulename,operatename,role_ID,Module_id)a pivot(count(isture)for operatename in('+@ctitle+')) b' 

Pager stored procedures, paging stored procedures
alter proc cutpage 
@tablename nvarchar(100),---- The paging table  
@columnname nvarchar(100), ---- Paging column  
@ordertype nvarchar(100)='asc', ---- The sorting way  
@pageindex int =1, 
@pagecount int =1 
declare @aa nvarchar(max); 
set @aa= 'select * from 
(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by '+@columnname+' '+@ordertype+') as uprow from '+@tablename+' ) as newtable 
where uprow between '+cast((@pageindex-1)*@pagecount+1 as nvarchar(100))+' and '+convert(nvarchar(100), @pageindex*@pagecount) 
exec (@aa) -- Here, @aa You have to put parentheses ()  


exec cutpage 'SM_Class', 'classid' 

Transaction Transaction
--- Transaction key statements ---- 
BEGIN TRANSACTION --- Transaction keyword transaction 

DECLARE @errorSum INT 
SET @errorSum=0 -- Initializes to zero error  

update bank SET money=money+1000 where name=' zhang 3' 
SET @errorSum=@errorSum+@@error 
update bank SET money=money-1000 where name=' li 4' 
SET @errorSum=@errorSum+@@error -- Whether there are errors accumulated (@@error Is zero ) 

if @errorSum<>0 
print ' No success, no fault , The error code is: ' 
print @errorsum 
rollback transaction 
print ' successful ' 
select * from Bank 

The trigger Trigger
-- Concept: 1 A special stored procedure , Change the data in this table ( Increases the deletion ) , will automatically execute the implementation-defined statement  
-- Features: cascading changes across related tables  
-- Key words: trigger 

alter trigger trigger_name_f 
on SM_Class 
for update --(for It is implemented before adding, deleting and modifying after After the addition, deletion and modification, instead of  It's all the increments | delete | Change 】 are not implemented , Triggered before, but without changing the value ) 
if update(remark) --- judge SM_Class In the table remark Whether the column has changed data  
select * from inserted --- A table for storing modified new values  
select * from deleted ---- A table for storing modified old values  
print 'remark Column changes ' 
print ' The other columns change ' 
print ' Test the trigger when modifying the table SM_Class ", display this sentence , and for This sentence precedes ' 

The cursor Cursor
-- A cursor is similar to sql dateReader 1 line 1 The read  
--1 It is usually used as a last resort ,  A long time , Heavy server pressure , Eat more memory , broadband , 
-- The cursor is on 1 The traversal read of a collection  

declare cur_test cursor 
select pid,pname from ns_product 

open cur_test 
declare @id uniqueidentifier; 
declare @name nvarchar(50); 
-- read 1 line ( The first 1 The second read is of course the first 1 the ) 
fetch next from cur_test into @id,@name 

-- judge 1 See if you read the data , Zero means you've read the data (@@FETCH_STATUS=0) 
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 
print @id 
print @name 
print '----------------------' 
-- And read it 1 line  
fetch next from cur_test into @id,@name 
close cur_test 
deallocate cur_test 

Scattered knowledge
1) intercept string: substring(field name, starting position (the first place is 1), length of intercept)
select SUBSTRING(age,1,1) from person where ID=2
2) about GUID:
select NEWID()
insert person values('','',NEWID())
3) insert 1 table (person2) into another table (person1) (the number of columns should correspond)
insert person1
select column, column, column from person2
4) conditional statement (note: braces {} in C# are replaced by begin end in sql)
declare @x int ,@y int 
set @x=1 
set @y =2 
if @x>@y 
print 'x>y' 
print 'x<y' 

select code,name,grade, 
case Grade 
when '1' then ' province ' 
when '2' then ' The city ' 
when '3' then ' county ' 
end ' level ' 
from SM_PostCode 

while (select MAX(DEGREE) from SCORE)<85 
if (select MAX(DEGREE) from SCORE where CNO='3-105')>=100 

5) determine the existence of if exists(select * from TBName where CityName='22')

6) add the auto-growing column row_number over(order by **) ROW_NUMBER is the keyword over which column to sort according to
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by classID) ,* from SM_Class
select rank() over(order by classID),* from SM_Class - is also an automatic line number. If there is a repeat, the line number will be matched and the next value will be automatically increased by 2

-- the results returned by one query statement serve as the data source table for the other query statement
select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by column name 1) the new column name here, * from TBName) the new table name where between 1 and 3
7) temporary tables
declare @table table(id uniqueidentifier,name varchar(50))
-- perform the insert operation (insert bar data) and return the hid field of this data and insert it into the id property of the @table table
insert images(Hname,Himage) output inserted.Hid into @table(id) values(@hname,@Himage)
declare @picid uniqueidentifier
select @picid=id from @table


-- the following is the comparison of execution efficiency
--sql statement 1: execution requires s
declare @tempTable table(id varchar(20),name int,score datetime)
insert @tempTable(id,name,score)
select userID,userName,userScore from scoreTable
select * from @tempTable

--sql statement 2: only s is needed for execution
DROP TABLE #Bicycles
SELECT userID,userName,userScore
INTO #Bicycles
from scoreTable
select * from #Bicycles

8) operation on date and time
-- get Beijing time and international time from the database
select getdate(), getutcdate()
-- an increase in time (type of increase [year/month/day], increment, to whom add [current time/date]) dateAdd
select dateadd(YEAR,2,GETDATE()) -- add two years to the current year

-- subtraction of time
select DATEDIFF (HOUR, getdate (), getutcdate ()) -- hours of international time minus hours of current Beijing time (back minus front)

-- get the year, month, day and so on in time
select year(getdate())-year(birthday())
select year(getdate())-year('1988-10-07')
9) row and column conversion
select * from ( select * from TableName) a pivot(count(stuName)) for columnName in('aa','bb','cc','dd')
10) double quotation marks can only be used for table names and column names (no double quotation marks are acceptable)
set @aa ='select sd 'from SM_Class' -- notice that the original 'sd' in 'sd' is now written as' sd'
exec (@aa)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- here to pay more attention to -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
declare @bb nvarchar(max);
-- only "e-commerce class 2" can be used when using data values.
set @bb ='select * from SM_Class where ClassName=' e-commerce class 2 '-- note: the original' e-commerce class 2 'will be written as' e-commerce class 2'.
exec (@bb)

11) -- quickly create a table structure
select c.Cid,c.Ccount into newTB1 from ns_comment c where 1 < > 1
12) -- remember one more key point
declare @na nvarchar(10),@str nvarchar(max);
set @str=' select top 1 @bb=ClassID from SM_Class '
-- @str variable containing SQL statement, define the variable in @str, N is marked as a string to receive the variable in @str (that is, @na = @bb)
exec sp_executesql@str, N'@bb nvarchar(10) output',@na output
select @na,@str
13) -- concurrency problem --
-- concept: multiple users interact with one object (library, table) at the same time
-- problem: dirty data, non-repeat reads, lost updates, phantom reads)
-- solution: SQL Server USES locks to ensure transaction integrity (Shared locks, exclusive locks, update locks, intent locks, schema locks, batch update locks)

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