An linq paging implementation code in

  • 2020-05-16 06:45:23
  • OfStack

LInq paging
testDataContext dc = new testDataContext(); 
public string GetPageNum(GridView GridViewName, int pagesize, IQueryable<test> sql) 
int page; 
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["page"] != null) 
page = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["page"]); 
page = 1; 
//var sql = from o in dc.test select o; 
int total = sql.Count();// According to the total amount  
var sqls = sql.Skip((page - 1) * pagesize).Take(pagesize); 
GridViewName.DataSource = sqls; 
int allpage = 0; 
int next = 0; 
int pre = 0; 
int startcount = 0; 
int endcount = 0; 
string pagestr = ""; 
if (page < 1) { page = 1; } 
// Total page count  
if (pagesize != 0) 
allpage = (total / pagesize); 
allpage = ((total % pagesize) != 0 ? allpage + 1 : allpage); 
allpage = (allpage == 0 ? 1 : allpage); 
next = page + 1; 
pre = page - 1; 
startcount = (page + 5) > allpage ? allpage - 9 : page - 4;// Start of middle page  
// Middle page termination sequence number  
endcount = page < 5 ? 10 : page + 5; 
if (startcount < 1) { startcount = 1; } // To avoid negative Numbers in the output, set if less than 1 From the serial number 1 start  
if (allpage < endcount) { endcount = allpage; } // The page number +5 The possibility that the final output sequence number will be greater than the total page number will be controlled within the page number  
pagestr = " A total of " + allpage + " page     "; 
pagestr += page > 1 ? "<a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=1\"> Home page </a>  <a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=" + pre + "\"> on 1 page </a>" : " Home page   on 1 page "; 
// Middle page processing, which increases the time complexity and decreases the space complexity  
for (int i = startcount; i <= endcount; i++) 
pagestr += page == i ? "  <font color=\"#ff0000\">" + i + "</font>" : "  <a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=" + i + "\">" + i + "</a>"; 
pagestr += page != allpage ? "  <a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=" + next + "\"> Under the 1 page </a>  <a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=" + allpage + "\"> At the end of the page </a>" : "  Under the 1 page   At the end of the page "; 
return pagestr; 

Call label1.Test =GetPageNum(control name, number of bars per page, linq query statement)
Common paging
public static string GetPageNum(DataTable ds, DataList datalistname, int pagesize) 
PagedDataSource objPds = new PagedDataSource(); 
objPds.DataSource = ds.DefaultView; 
objPds.AllowPaging = true; 
int total = ds.Rows.Count; 
objPds.PageSize = pagesize; 
int page; 
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["page"] != null) 
page = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["page"]); 
page = 1; 
objPds.CurrentPageIndex = page - 1; 
datalistname.DataSource = objPds; 
int allpage = 0; 
int next = 0; 
int pre = 0; 
int startcount = 0; 
int endcount = 0; 
string pagestr = ""; 
if (page < 1) { page = 1; } 
// Total page count  
if (pagesize != 0) 
allpage = (total / pagesize); 
allpage = ((total % pagesize) != 0 ? allpage + 1 : allpage); 
allpage = (allpage == 0 ? 1 : allpage); 
next = page + 1; 
pre = page - 1; 
startcount = (page + 5) > allpage ? allpage - 9 : page - 4;// Start of middle page  
// Middle page termination sequence number  
endcount = page < 5 ? 10 : page + 5; 
if (startcount < 1) { startcount = 1; } // To avoid negative Numbers in the output, set if less than 1 From the serial number 1 start  
if (allpage < endcount) { endcount = allpage; } // The page number +5 The possibility that the final output sequence number will be greater than the total page number will be controlled within the page number  
pagestr = " A total of " + allpage + " page     "; 
pagestr += page > 1 ? "<a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=1\"> Home page </a>  <a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=" + pre + "\"> on 1 page </a>" : " Home page   on 1 page "; 
// Middle page processing, which increases the time complexity and decreases the space complexity  
for (int i = startcount; i <= endcount; i++) 
pagestr += page == i ? "  <font color=\"#ff0000\">" + i + "</font>" : "  <a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=" + i + "\">" + i + "</a>"; 
pagestr += page != allpage ? "  <a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=" + next + "\"> Under the 1 page </a>  <a href=\"" + HttpContext.Current.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=" + allpage + "\"> At the end of the page </a>" : "  Under the 1 page   At the end of the page "; 
return pagestr; 

Call label1.Test =GetPageNum(datatable, control name, number of bars per page)

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