A method of placing multiple web sites in a virtual directory under one web site

  • 2020-05-09 18:27:36
  • OfStack

(application of asp.net).
There are a lot of articles like this on the Internet 1, but I need to operate the company's complex, larger web application in this way as well, with a larger head. The 1-like article suggests merging bin and Web.config.

I tried for 1 time, and directly visited the subsite. IE indicated that Web.config was wrong, so I directly added 1 line remove to the corresponding location of web.config of the subsite, and directly deleted the configuration of web.config of the parent site.

The seemingly complex web.config has only been changed
<pages theme="SiteTheme" styleSheetTheme="SiteTheme" masterPageFile=""> 
<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/> 
<remove path="ajax/*.ashx" verb="POST,GET" /> 

all done.


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