data access layer stored procedure paging statement

  • 2020-05-07 19:28:31
  • OfStack

Therefore, it is better to page in the data access layer, if so, you need to use stored procedures to page. The following is an example of a stored procedure for data paging, which is the employee table in pubs database, and you can refer to it to create your own stored procedures according to the actual situation.

Note: the index of the @pageindex data page, the number of records per page of @dataperpage, and the total number of records used by @howmanyrecords.
create proc getdata @pageindex int,@dataperpage int,@howmanyrecords int output 
declare @temptable table 
rowindex int, 
emp_id char(9), 
fname varchar(20), 
minit char(1), 
lname varchar(30) 
insert into @temptable 
select row_number() over(order by emp_id) as rowindex,emp_id,fname,minit,lname 
from employee 
select @howmanyrecords=count(rowindex) from @temptable 
select * from @temptable 
where rowindex>(@pageindex-1)*@dataperpage 
and rowindex<=@pageindex*@dataperpage 

declare @howmanyrecords int 
exec getdata 2,5,@howmanyrecords output 
select @howmanyrecords 
declare @x int, @y int, @z int 
select @x = 1, @y = 2, @z=3 
select @x,@y,@z 

create proc getdata2 @pageindex int,@dataperpage int,@howmanyrecords int output 
declare @temptable table 
rowindex int, 
emp_id char(9), 
fname varchar(20), 
minit char(1), 
lname varchar(30) 
insert into @temptable 
select row_number() over(order by emp_id) as rowindex,emp_id,fname,minit,lname 
from employee 
select @howmanyrecords=count(rowindex) from @temptable 
select * from @temptable 
where rowindex>(@pageindex-1)*@dataperpage 
and rowindex<=@pageindex*@dataperpage 

Where the Row_number function Numbers each retrieved record in order.

You can then call the stored procedure in the web code to get the data you want.

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