JQuery USES ajax registered user instance of background asp.net

  • 2020-05-07 19:28:24
  • OfStack

//JS code  

function checkname() { 
var Msg = document.getElementById("d_username"); 
var chk = CheckN(); 
if (chk) { 
$.ajax({ url: 'registerOK.aspx', 
type: 'POST', 
data: { lb: "checkname", username: $("#username").val() }, 
dataType: 'html', 
timeout: 1000, 
error: function() { alert(' An unknown error has occurred, please contact QQ:6434789 Contact. '); }, 
success: function(data) { 
if (data == " Sorry, this username has been registered! ") { 
Msg.className = "d_err"; 
Msg.innerHTML = data; 
if (data == " Congratulations, this username can be registered! ") { 
Msg.className = "d_ok"; 
Msg.innerHTML = data; 
if (data == " This user name cannot be Chinese! ") { 
Msg.className = "d_err"; 
Msg.innerHTML = data; 
if (data == " Please enter user name! ") { 
Msg.className = "d_err"; 
Msg.innerHTML = data; 

function CheckN() { 
var Msg = document.getElementById("d_username"); 
var chk = true; 
if (checkIsChinese(document.getElementById("username").value)) { 
Msg.className = "d_err"; 
Msg.innerHTML = " User name cannot be Chinese! "; 
chk = false; 
if (document.getElementById("username").value.length < 4) { 
Msg.className = "d_err"; 
Msg.innerHTML = " The username cannot be less than 4 A character! "; 
chk = false; 
return chk; 

function chk_reguser() { 
var chk = true 
// if (!checkname()) { chk = false; } //jquery Variable assignment cannot be matched js The variables inside are Shared, so success: function(data) {} Any variables defined in it are associated with the js The variables in the code are not interchangeable, so I look for them 1 A more informal (informal) approach, as in html Add hidden Input And in the js It set up $("#hiddencheckname").val("no"); 
if (!CheckN()) {chk = false;} 
if ($("#hiddencheckname").val() == "no") { chk = false; }// This is a judgment on it  
if (!checkpwd()) { chk = false; }// These with CheckN() almost 1 Sample, just to verify the elements in the form  
if (!checkpwd1()) { chk = false; } 
if (!checkquestion()) { chk = false; } 
if (!checkanswer()) { chk = false; } 
if (!checkxq()) { chk = false; } 
if (!checkrealname()) { chk = false; } 
if (!checktel()) { chk = false; } 
if (!checkQQMSN()) { chk = false; } 
if (!checkEmail()) { chk = false; } 
if (!checkaddress()) { chk = false; } 
if (chk) { 
$.ajax({ url: 'registerOK.aspx', 
type: 'POST', 
data: { lb: "reguser", username: $("#username").val(), password: $("#pwd").val(), question: $("#question").val(), answer: $("#answer").val(), xqcode: $("#ctl00_CPH_Main_DDL_xq").val(), realname: $("#realname").val(), sex: $("input[@name=sex][@checked]").val(), tel: $("#tel").val(), QQMSN: $("#QQMSN").val(), email: $("#email").val(), address: $("#address").val() }, 
dataType: 'html', 
timeout: 1000, 
error: function() { alert(' An unknown error has occurred, please contact QQ:6434789 Contact. '); }, 
success: function(data) { 
if (data == "success") { 
alert(" Registration successful! "); 
window.location.href = "/member/index.aspx"; 
else { 
alert(" Registration failed, the reason may be that the user name has been registered! "); 
return (true); 
return (false); 

/ / HTML page

Just do a form like this
<input id="username" type="text" onBlur="checkname()" /> 
<div class=d_default id=d_username> Please enter the 4 English characters or Numbers with more than one digit! </div> 
<input id="Button_OK" type="button" onclick="return chk_reguser();"/> 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Web.UI; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 
using BLL; 

public partial class registerOK : System.Web.UI.Page 
user user = new user(); 
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
if (!IsPostBack) 
string lb = Request["lb"]; 
string username = Request["username"]; 
string password = Request["password"]; 
string question = Request["question"]; 
string answer = Request["answer"]; 
string xqcode = Request["xqcode"]; 
string realname = Request["realname"]; 
string sex = Request["sex"]; 
string tel = Request["tel"]; 
string QQMSN = Request["QQMSN"]; 
string email = Request["email"]; 
string address = Request["address"]; 
if (lb == "checkname") 
if (lb == "reguser") 
string name = user.CheckUserName(username); 
if (name == " Congratulations, this username can be registered! ") 
user.Add(username, password, question, answer, xqcode, realname, sex, tel, QQMSN, email, address); 

Note: the registerOK.aspx page must be cleared of all HTML code, if only < %@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="registerOK.aspx.cs" Inherits="registerOK" % > .

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