Visual Studio.Net insider of 7

  • 2020-05-05 11:07:32
  • OfStack

editing environment

Visual Studio provides a single code editor for all languages supported by VS.NET, while providing specific functionality for each language. Its editor introduces some enhancements to the editing environment, such as word completion, incremental search, code highlighting, indentation, line Numbers, color printing, and shortcuts. The editor also provides a number of language-specific features, such as automating the input of strings as you type in stereotypes and function calls.

In addition to the programming language, the editor also provides support for HTML documents, web pages, and even the XML authoring process. In fact, I was happy to load one of my XML documents into VS.NET and see the keywords I used in XML such as XML declarations and properties highlighted. Further, the editor also provides a view of the source code and data. In the data view, the structure of the document is displayed in the left window. When you select an XML element in the cascading structure, the right side of the window displays its children and allows you to keep looking deeper into the element data. This feature is really cool! But I also noticed an anomaly, which is that not all XML documents can be loaded into the data view. Documents with unpredictable structures seem to confuse the editor when they are loaded into the data view.

Another surprise of Visual Studio.NET is that you can create XML solutions based on a document instance. Open the document instance, and by default a document source view appears. You can either browse in the source view or convert to the data view, then right-click on the view and select "create solution" from the pop-up menu. Once the XML schema has been created, a reference to it is inserted into the original document instance. For those who don't want to go to the trouble of writing an XML solution from scratch, Visual Studio.NET lets you get things done quickly.

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